Protect kids hearing with Guardian Headphones Here is a headphone designed to help protect your child from harmful sound levels. The Hamilton Electronics HA-31 Guardian Headphone has a built-in sound level monitor that let\‘s the parent, teacher, etc. know when the child has the volume up to 11
Hearing protection headphones
Protect kids hearing with Guardian Headphones
Here is a headphone designed to help protect your child from harmful sound levels.
The Hamilton Electronics HA-31 Guardian Headphone has a built-in sound level monitor that let\‘s the parent, teacher, etc. know when the child has the volume up to 11
Hearing protection headphones
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Hearing protection headphones
Encore Data Products is your source for school and medical data media, with products such as hard drives and products by TDK. We provide FREE shipping on most orders in the lower 48 states, with no minimum order amounts.Category:Computers + InternetLink Owner:Site Administrator Date Added:February 05, 2009 06:14:49 PMNumber Hits:0+nbsp;/* */
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