is the industry's most customizable, high-volume online billing platform; ready to rate any combination of metered, subscription and ad-hoc services while managing your customers products and rate plans. We make it easy to quickly and accurately implement any type of pricing and rating structure; and roll out new products and services so our customers can easily turn ideas into cash. How does work? Simply design your Competitive Service Offering without compromise via our highly customizable Product and Component Designer. The Platform is able to support any type of product or service, with intuitive tools that let you design any product with any variety of rating model. Our system allows you to define usage based products and services in an unlimited number of currencies and time zones. Retrieve service usage from any sources, and let the platform automatically rate and invoice it via it's well designed, configurable mediation engine. Intuitive modules for usage mapping and parsing logic let you process any type of metered usage; define which parts of the usage data to monetize; or exclusively collect for reporting and display purposes.